Building Your Brand: Learn How to Propel Your Brand, Tell Your Story, and Build A Following

For a budding entrepreneur or a small business owner, it’s essential to create a personal brand that will help your business to truly bloom. 
Jeff Bezos sums it up nicely with this quote. We want people to speak highly of us, to include what we want to be known for. Creating a strong personal brand can help you elevate your message, strengthen your organization, broaden your network, become the status quo, and unveil new clients, customers, partners, and avenues for monetization.

trade show marketing

How to Make the Most out of Your Trade Show

Trade shows provide businesses across the globe with opportunities to showcase their products and services, engage with industry leaders and professionals, stay in touch with customers, and build relationships with potential leads. Although the COVID-19 pandemic brought in-person events to a halt, conferences are making a long-awaited return. If you’re looking to jump back into…

A Love Letter to Flourish

A Love Letter to Flourish

As teams continue to grow and evolve, it’s no surprise to see our colleagues transition into different chapters of their careers. In the case of our Senior Account Coordinator, Presley Price, the time has come to do just that! We’re so honored to have had the chance to work with Presley and to see her…

Three Quick Tips for Google My Business

What is Google My Business?  Have you heard about Google My Business? If you don’t currently own a Google My Business account or are unfamiliar with it, we guarantee you’ve used it in some capacity. For example, you’ve probably used Google to search for something along the lines of, “delicious chocolate, Huntsville, Alabama.” Or, you…

Color Model Guide

A Simplified Guide to Color Models

Did you know there are thousands of regularly used colors and millions more that can be distinguished by the human eye? Naming each color would be impossible. However, scientists have devised various systems of assigning numeric values to colors. These systems are called color models, and they provide precise methods for naming and reproducing exact…

The Power of Video Marketing

Now more than ever, social media platforms are prioritizing videos in their algorithm. Video marketing in Huntsville has evolved over the past 10 years in Huntsville and will become more and more popular over time. Keep in mind, a great video is a visual representation of the story you want to tell your audience. What…